Gillett to attend – reds to protest

George Gillett has planned to attend tomorrow’s clash against Manchester United, as Tom Hicks once again elects to avoid visiting the club.

George Gillett at Anfield

However we understand that club chairman Rick Parry has asked the co-chairman (who effectively kept him in a job this spring) to reconsider his decision.

Liverpool fans will be holding a protest march before the game from 11am from the Liverpool Supporters Club in protest at both the American’s horrific track record, and reneged promises since taking over the club.

George Gillett has been a long absent visitor from Anfield, and towards the end of last season was suggesting he would never sell his stake to Tom Hicks in support of the overwhelming opinion of Liverpool supporters.  However, it is believed the pair have now forged a closer relationship once again.

It was Gillett who was first interested in taking over the club, bringing Hicks along with him to add some financial firepower.

However this financial firepower has been the ballistics equivalent of a water pistol, and not only are our plans for stadium development being put on hold, but both owners have landed the reds under an enormous financial cloud of debt.

If you’ve got the bottle to attend the club you’re ruining, enjoy the game tomorrow George.  Make sure it’s the last either of you ever attend.

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